Temper-Tantrums for Adults #poetry #relationships

A snippy comment here
A snide reply there
We seriously couldn’t make a better or worst pair

I dare…
To tell the truth
He’d throw up things from our youth

I threw daggers right back
It became a full on attack

He’d had enough
And he called my bluff

He said, “I’ve let you push and push, and now I’m done. Fix your attitude.”

He said, “You’re being a dick”
I stuck my tongue out at him with a flick!

That’s when I finally laughed
How could I be so daft?

I was being a fucking child!
Believe me that’s putting it mild

I’ve since “fixed my attitude” and stopped fearing I’m not enough
It was some heavy stuff.

Take my advice… Don’t do what I did
It makes you look like a bratty kid!

Just sayin…

Penelope Jones
Copyright 2015

I Love the Grown-up You. #ASMSG #Poetry

love decisions

You surprised me when you asked me, “how was your day?”

You surprised me when you said, “It will be OK.”

You surprised me when you said, “I love you baby”…

I didn’t know what to say.


I know I shouldn’t be surprised…

And, I know I shouldn’t be waiting for the lies

Because it will end up being our demise



I can’t help myself. 


I’ve sabotaged every relationship since I last saw you

Except that one with the girl whom didn’t have a clue.


Who tells someone they are too much fun?

A girl who likes drama, in which I had none.


I warned you about my ability to pick a fight

How I’ll push you away with all my might

How I’ll tell you to go fly a kite…



I can’t help myself. 


I loved you from the moment you said Hi

And, I fell apart right after you said goodbye


I’ve built up these walls to protect me

Baby, I need you to see


I’ve handed you to the key to unlock the door

I’m allowing you to see , to touch, to feel my core

All I want is to be your whore.



I can’t help myself. 


That’s not true,

And, I know exactly what to do!

Admit to myself … I love the grown-up you! 


Penelope Jones- Spanking it since 1996!


Copyright 2014













Back Porch Conversations…  #Poetry #WomenMatter #HistoryMatters 

I’m missing someone very much! I lost a dear friend 2 weeks ago this past Saturday, before he passed I’d just decided I was running for WILL (Women’s International Leather Legacy). While it’s a contest, it’s also a historian position which rocks my world! Where we came from directs where we are going and how we succeed, so I’m dedicated to fulfilling the promise I made to Sir Bill Willard. I miss you! 💋


Back Porch Conversations…

by Penelope Jones


While I feel proud of what I’ve done. 

Will it be enough to become… Me?


Are the back porch conversations enough time to relive history?

Or will it remain a mystery?


Can I get the facts in 20-30 minute conversations in less then 72 hours?

Perhaps I have magical powers?


I’ve been having these conversations, for at least 15 years, on a patio, a bench, or a couch.

I met Leather Women and Men filled with clout


All from our secret society 

Of the kinky variety.


None of them knew of me way back when,

But that didn’t matter; they spoke to me like I was akin.


I met Mama Sandy in the smoking section outside

I wear her pin with pride!


I hugged the shit out of J Lube Jack

We joke about when I would let him smack… 

my ass!


My flirting began with Bootpig from afar.

Now, I’d let her keep me in a glass jar…

with air holes, of course!


I hated canes!

Then Boymeat rocked my world, and I’ve never been the same!


Lolita Wolf is the best hand spanking I’ve ever had.

I love those I’ve met; it wasn’t a fad!


I had the privilege of one last back porch conversation with Sir Bill!

And he’s the reason you’ll see me at WILL!


I’m fulfilling a promise I made to that man.

Because of him, I believe I can!



Penelope Jones- Spanking it since 1996!

  • Copyright 2015

My Granny is Better than Yours #SorryNotSorry

Today is my granny’s birthday, what better way to celebrate her life than to share my spoken word I read at her Funeral… From Sunrise 7/24/31 To Sunset 7/15/18



Let’s talk about how amazing my granny was…

She’s a woman that I’ve only heard use one curse word in my life, and it was Damn it, Ralph. That’s my grandpa, and I can still hear it in my head.

She’s a woman that thought smoking would make her look cool, but one puff and she was ok with not being a cool kid.

She’s a woman that’s never drank a drop in her life, and still had the best time anywhere she went.

My grandpa asked her to marry him on their first date over a ham and cheese sandwich!

My granny was a gorgeous woman, who never fell out of love with the dresses or heels from the 50’s & 60’s… wonder where I get it?

My grandpa was a looker but only had eyes for my granny! He showed me how a man should love his wife. Up until the day cancer stole him from us, he called her his bride! I can hear him say, “You see those pretty flowers I got my lovely bride?” And she blushed and always said, “Aw Ralph.” And was dreamy eyed for him!

My granny and grandpa always splurged and ate Long John Silvers on pay day!

My granny loves yellow roses… I had no idea until my aunt told me. Yellow is happy and probably why we both love it!

My granny learned to drive in her 50’s because my grandpa had a heart attack that left him wheel chair bound.

My grandpa did the majority of the grocery shopping, wrote the checks, etc. It was a progressive-ish household way back when! So she had a lot to learn after his heart attack.

My granny survived breast cancer, while taking care of my grandfather who was wheel chair bound. Yep, she’s freaking amazing!

My granny walked l5 miles when she was 8 months pregnant with my mom, because she just wanted to see her sister in law Virginia.

After my grandpa passed, my granny cared for Virginia, took her to doctors appointments, and they started going to Long John Silvers on pay day, until the day congestive heart failure took her from us.

My granny welcomed every friend I’ve ever had into her home. Fed us so many times, I couldn’t possibly do enough for her to repay the love she showed my friends.

My granny babysat my best friend’s kiddos so we could go raise money for LGBTQI things… we really were going to leather events, but she wasn’t ready for the info back then lol

My granny was my biggest supporter during my title year… she was finally ready to know what I do and that I’m queer. She didn’t care. To her love was love. She waited up many of Sunday nights to hear about my adventures, until she got sick… but she fought her butt off and kicked cancers that go around too.

My granny thinks I’m famous, and I never had the heart to tell her I’m a needle in a haystack.

My granny thought it was pretty awesome she was famous too, cuz apparently if I’m famous, so was she.

My granny was my best friend, my ally, my savior. You see, when I was 13 years old I tried to commit suicide. I had been sexually harassed all year at school by a terrible boy, and my supposed father was not going to make it to another one of my birthdays. And my parents were having a mother of a fight about me. They always fought about me. “I have to work, she costs too much to stay home.” My dad screamed at my mom.

The next day in my grandma’s bathroom I tried to slit my wrist. It’s a good thing I was too scared,13, and did it all wrong. My grandma and grandpa took me to the ER, paid the bill out of there own pocket and it was our secret for 29 years. It’s no longer a secret. But, I’m not the only person she saved, several in this room and many more consider her their saviors for one reason or another, because my granny rocked socks!

My granny was the strongest lady I’d ever met, and I hope my legacy is half of what she’s leaving us with… she was a true angel on earth and I might’ve had a crappy home life, but she made sure that wasn’t my only reality. She showed me what true love is.



Penelope Jones

Copyright July 2018 (don’t steal my shit without giving me credit; it’s very uncool!)

I love you Granny D!

Love Day Sucks #Poetry #ASMSG #Valentine

I woke up thinking it would be OK

then I realized just what everyone had to say


Happy Love Day…


Each time that word fell across my ears

Therapy bills piled up for years


I love you meant hitting your kids and wife

I love you meant giving up your life


I love you meant you weren’t good enough

I love you meant life was tough


I love you meant screwing someone else

I love you meant dealing with what was dealt


I love you meant not really caring

not really daring

to— love



My words might as well have been dead

When I said,

I love you …


It meant— I love you


It meant you were enough

I meant together we would be tough


It meant making love all night long

It meant “they were playing our song”


It meant I cared

It meant I dared


It meant my heart would be broken

It meant I would just be a token


to be given away

just like any other day,

and no I’m not OK.


Love Day sucks …



Penelope Jones copyright 2013 

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